Day 1-12 Rocking New Zealand

Long story short, I've managed to keep myself alive and well.  My internet has been spotty so I'll wrap things up here first, and add to the post a little later.

I've had a fantastic time:

Seeing a 180 degree rainbow

Watching the amazing Southern Sky on the beach
Enjoying Kiwi improv comedy
Watching the sunset over Robinson's Bay on the Banks Peninsula
Meeting and sharing stories with amazing people
Running across secluded beaches
Hiking to an abandoned coal mine in the thick of fog
Braving the Adrenaline Forest 14 meters above ground hanging by a pair of carabineers
Driven on blind hairpin corners with cliffs on the side
Couchsurfed my first time
baaaaaaah-ing with my sheep friends


I've also had a few bumps here and there:

New Zealand immigration ripping through all of my bags
Being dive-bombed by birds straight out of Hitchcock's play-book
Barely making my way to Auckland through LA because of a technicality
Dealing with New Zealand's terrible internet service
Getting a bit too close to a bull protecting his lady friends and kids on the pasture at the end of the world

Bare with me on the site design.  Pics and stories to follow as long as NZ provides me internet access...

Those socks are out of controlBotanical Gardens, ChristchurchRainbow over Okains Bay








Approaching crazy bird island

Sunset, Okains BaySunset over Robinsons Bay







Hinewai Reserve

Little Okains Bay

 Couchsurfing with Dasha, Dan & Gabrielle