Dustin Main's A Skinny Escape

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The New Skinny Backpacker

Over the past 2.5 years, I've been posting some of my images and stories of my travels around the globe here.

... But something has been missing.

I haven't known what to do with the site, and haven't ever really liked the layout.  I'm not a designer (obviously).

So a few months ago I began working on a revamp for the site, focusing on large images to help me tell my stories.  Although I worked down to the wire on it while in Chiang Mai, I couldn't quite get it ready for launch before #TBEX in mid June.  But it's very close.

So although I would love to present it for you here, you'll have to wait just a little bit longer.

The new website features large, widescreen images to better tell my stories, and to ask questions about the world we live in today.  Old posts are being revamped with larger images as well.  The design is tailored for a easy overview of posts by date, country, and topic, and shows many pages at once.  This will make it much easier to access my old posts that would quickly fall off the main page and out of view.

Finally, I will begin posting galleries of my other photography, from infrared to artistic, that don't fit the typical travel mold.

I'm excited that I'll have a platform where I'm comfortable sharing once again.  I have so many stories to tell from Burma (Myanmar), Antarctica, Faroe Islands, and so many other places all around the world.

... and I can't wait to show you.